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As the name suggests, this is heroism which is born out of the state of energy and Utsaha is its sthayi bhava. The Rasa is manifested when there is valour, heroism, mastery, pride and steadfastness. The Rasa draws upon the firmness and steadiness of the mind. Its colour is pale red and it is attributed to Lord Indra.

Veera Rasa is embodiment of an energetic, determined and unrelenting nature which has no room for surprise or confusion. It is shown by challenging words and deeds conveying courage, boldness, bravery, and self-confidence. Veera Rasa is expressed on the stage by opening the eyes wide and expanding the nose. It includes physical valour as well as the strength of character. The Veera Rasa admits of 3 types:

  1. Dana Veera: The person who has become veera by donating or giving gifts is termed as Dana Veera. The person is ready to part with things most precious for the sake of others. The example of Karna from Mahabharata can be taken for Dana Veera.
  2. Daya Veera: The person who is sympathetic to all irrespective of class or creed. He is kind to his own people as well as to strangers. For example, Yudhishthir, the eldest Pandava brother.
  3. Yudha Veera: The person who is courageous, bold and brave. Fighting in the war front is his sole aim without the fear of death. For example, Arjuna in Mahabharata.

In addition, it admits of 3 varieties such as Asura Veera, Lobha Veera, and Dharma Veera.

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